Saturday, May 14, 2011

Education is Critical

Well the State Of Michigan got 200 million dollars to upgrade our railways. What surprised me was how much our new Governor is out of touch or just plain stupid.

I do believe the future of this state is not depended on how fast someone from Chicago can come, eat, catch a Tigers game and get back home. I think it is more depended on how well our children are educated. This man is really working on being recalled.

I will be the first to stand up and say I crossed party lines and voted for him, and I will be first in line to sign the recall petition.

Our public education here in Michigan is laughable. Our elected officials do not even seem concerned; they even want to cut more funding from our kids. Unless something changes, I do not see a very bright future here in what once was the great State of Michigan.

In my opinion, first you get the people the tools they need to succeed, like education. If we do not fund our schools, in the next 15-20 years all we will have is a bunch of people who can barely get by, depending on the government for their livelihoods.

Wake up, sometimes it is not just about the bottom line, Michigan kids, MY KIDS !!, deserve the best education we can offer them. They are the future of this country, if we don’t provide for them what are we saying about America??

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