Friday, January 16, 2009

You Have To Be Joking

O.k now things are getting out of hand. Are you kidding me, Girls Gone Wild CEO Joe Francis and HUSTLER magazine publisher Larry Flynt are petitioning Congress to provide a $5 billion bailout for the adult entertainment industry along the lines of what was given to the Big 3.

O.M.G they have then nerve to say they deserve the same consideration as the automakers got. What is our country coming to? The decreased DVD sales of the ADULT ENTERTAINMENT world is not the same as millions of everyday people losing there livelihoods if the automakers go under. So who care if they are not getting the revenue they once did. Maybe people have finally gotten there priorities straight.

Come on people, we have a crisis in this country to deal with. People losing their homes, jobs and dignity. We need to focus on what is important, our citizens and there future.

So I say to you Mr. Flynt and Mr. Francis, get a clue. We have much bigger problems than you not selling enough DVDs. Maybe you should think about "Karma", help the people out and in return you might just be able to sleep at night.

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