Friday, July 27, 2012

Dying In Detroit

I am so enraged at the state of things in my city. Crime running rampant through our streets, citizens being terrorized. What are the people we elected to change things doing? NOTHING!!! 27 shooting in 1 weekend and their answer is to make cuts in the police/fire/rescue services. I am no rocket scientist, but to me that seems stupid. The Mayor is collecting a check, 9 city council members are collecting checks, but with the new consent agreement with the state they really have no say. So why are we paying them, paying for their cars, gas and police protection?? THE POLICE DON'T PROTECT THE PEOPLE !!! so why should be pay to have these people protected !!!

These are our headlines...

Sad to think we have to live like this.. But it gets worse....

Our EMS workers cannot even help us because the ambulances don't hardly work. And have to be afriad when they break down they will become victims as well.

So what does our elected officials have to say?? In order to get the budget in order we must make so sacrifices. WE MUST?? I don't see a police officer outside my house protecting my family. I don't remember the city buying my gas? And I drive a 1994 POS not a city leased car. So when you say WE, say you the citizens. Shame on all those in charge here in Detroit.

I know alot of reporters out there do stories on the city, but for me a special thanks goes out to Fox2's Charlie LeDuff. Charlie tells it like it is and doesn't hold back. That is what we like, up front in your face truth !!!!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Education is Critical

Well the State Of Michigan got 200 million dollars to upgrade our railways. What surprised me was how much our new Governor is out of touch or just plain stupid.

I do believe the future of this state is not depended on how fast someone from Chicago can come, eat, catch a Tigers game and get back home. I think it is more depended on how well our children are educated. This man is really working on being recalled.

I will be the first to stand up and say I crossed party lines and voted for him, and I will be first in line to sign the recall petition.

Our public education here in Michigan is laughable. Our elected officials do not even seem concerned; they even want to cut more funding from our kids. Unless something changes, I do not see a very bright future here in what once was the great State of Michigan.

In my opinion, first you get the people the tools they need to succeed, like education. If we do not fund our schools, in the next 15-20 years all we will have is a bunch of people who can barely get by, depending on the government for their livelihoods.

Wake up, sometimes it is not just about the bottom line, Michigan kids, MY KIDS !!, deserve the best education we can offer them. They are the future of this country, if we don’t provide for them what are we saying about America??

Friday, January 16, 2009

You Have To Be Joking

O.k now things are getting out of hand. Are you kidding me, Girls Gone Wild CEO Joe Francis and HUSTLER magazine publisher Larry Flynt are petitioning Congress to provide a $5 billion bailout for the adult entertainment industry along the lines of what was given to the Big 3.

O.M.G they have then nerve to say they deserve the same consideration as the automakers got. What is our country coming to? The decreased DVD sales of the ADULT ENTERTAINMENT world is not the same as millions of everyday people losing there livelihoods if the automakers go under. So who care if they are not getting the revenue they once did. Maybe people have finally gotten there priorities straight.

Come on people, we have a crisis in this country to deal with. People losing their homes, jobs and dignity. We need to focus on what is important, our citizens and there future.

So I say to you Mr. Flynt and Mr. Francis, get a clue. We have much bigger problems than you not selling enough DVDs. Maybe you should think about "Karma", help the people out and in return you might just be able to sleep at night.

Being A Teen Today

Is there a place in this world where a teenager can be just that a teenager? I sit back and watch all that is going on with the young people today and wonder if I could have survived in today’s life as a teen.

With so many pressures and responsibility, how can they cope? We want them to act like grown up’s, but they are not grown up. This is a transitional time for them, they are not kids anymore but they are not adults. We need to help them I think, but how? Parents are working so much to keep up with payments, so they cannot be there all the time. School programs are closing left and right because of lack of funding. Where are they to turn? Gangs, drugs and what have you are always there waiting in the shadows for the right time.

There was a time when a child was a child and could turn to an adult and say, “I need help!” What happened? Now they are left to fend for themselves. We need to seriously reevaluate our priorities.

What ever happened to the old saying “it takes a village to raise a child”? In this day in age, we just do not want to get involved, but when something happens, we all get on the news and say, “I knew something like this would happen someday”. We cannot wait for that anymore, we need to stand up, use our voice, and say enough is enough! Parents we need to listen to those telling us what our kids are up to and confront them right away. Stop saying my child would never do that, because like it or not they will. We need to let them know we have eyes and ears everywhere.
I know it is hard, we feel guilty for not being around more, but guilt will not help them if they are in prison because they turned to the wrong group. We need to take a stand with our elected officials, we need funding for more after school projects, things that will empower our youth. We need help and sometimes it easy just to sit back and hope for the best. Buy guess what hope is not going to keep them out of the hands of drug dealers and gangs, action will.

So look back on your life as a teen. Ask yourself what would have happened to me if I joined a gang? Where would I be right now if I were a teen in today world? Would my mom and dad put up with the things teens are doing now? When you answer these questions, stand up and yell, “I will not lose my child to the streets!” If we all pitch in, we can help these young people become happy and successful adults.